Monday, June 1, 2015

Encounter: Goblinoid Refugees

Village #2


Village #2 has been dealing with increased aggressive wildlife in the region that has only been getting worse as winter deepens. The once quiet hamlet has taken up arms in defense of their homeland and their livelihoods against the increasing troll presence throughout the mountain forests. Remote dwelling travellers have had to take up refuge in the village, filling what little space they’ve been able to save from the onslaught of attacks. Thankfully, the PCs have arrived to assist with their troubles, immediately proving their worth against the first troll to make it within the palisade walls. As the final breath leaves the vanquished beast, another threat keen on making use of this opportunity, has just arrived.

Wolp and his crew of mutant goblinoids have been adrift in the mountains after exile from a lowland tribe. The hobgoblin longwalker is idolized amongst his newly formed warband, though the road has been increasingly violent and curiously lacking of food. His mounted scout, Dognik, identified Village #2 as prime for a raid. Wolp has excused the tactical acumen of his upbringing in favor of a more… up front approach.

The Rainy Parade (CR 7)


There is a stillness to the air in the aftermath. Surrounded by weary men in the center of the village square lies the still warm body of a massive mottled rock troll, it’s greyish blood running in streams through the mud. The silence is cut by an abrupt hiss as the militia’s leader pours a large vial of acid over the corpse, maintaining his stone faced demeanor as the troll twitches in it’s final death throes. You feel a raindrop on your brow as the faint sound of raspy singing is heard on the wind. A man yells out, his warning cut short by a massive explosion. As the dust begins to settle, a band of wicked creatures led by a tall menacing figure begin to set flame to buildings and attack nearby horses outside the farrier’s home.

Wolp, the hobgoblin, has led his small band of goblinoids through the mountain passes without rest for several days, which requires a DC 15 Survival check to realize. It is this hunger and desperation that drives the clearly intelligent hobgoblin to a frontal assault against a larger force. This emaciated group of monstrous figures openly threaten nearby villagers and will attack anything in range, attempting to bite if skin is exposed. The hobgoblin leader relishes a raid on such a small village, and has realized that they are weak from constant troubles with trolls. Insistent on taking advantage of the villages unpreparedness, Wolp orders the attack as soon as he can identify the primary targets, in this case: the PCs.

Creatures: Wolp himself will begin combat by directing his goblinoid followers into battle, designating the least armored human of the group as the focus. He then finds good cover and does what he can with his longbow before making use of his pair of sickles in close combat. If injured, Wolp will redirect the goblins to attack the source of the damage, attempting then to use combat maneuvers to disable and overwhelm the foe.

Bok and Tar, the mutant goblin barbarians, will charge into the fray, always focusing on fighting the same target that has been designated by Wolp. When faced with multiple enemies, Bok becomes sick with a sudden and overwhelming fear, causing him to unleash a vile gout of acidic vomit (his breath weapon). In response to seeing Bok get sick, Tar will do the same.

Dognik will throw alchemist’s fire while riding Happyface around the outside of the battle, using his dogslicer to hack and slash at fleeing villagers. Once out of the alchemists fire, he will turn to using his shortbow on the designated target.

Longwalker Wolp, Hobgoblin Ranger 5 CR 4

XP 1,200

hp 47 (Monster Codex 119)

Bok & Tar, Mutant Goblin Barbarian 3 (2) CR 3

XP 800

hp 37 each (Monster Codex 112)

Dognik, Goblin Ranger 2 CR 1

XP 400

hp 19 (Monster Codex 106)

Happyface, Wolf CR 1

XP 400

hp 13 (Bestiary 256)

Hazard: The initial explosion has set fire to the farrier’s establishment. Though this flame illuminates the darkening evening, the heat will scorch anyone nearby. Within the building, the farrier and his apprentice are trapped and calling for help during the encounter.

Trap: Wolp has taken note of the trapped humans and will slide a pair of pre-dressed bear traps into the doorway.

Bear Trap (2) CR 1

Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20

----- Effects -----

Trigger location; Reset manual

Effect Atk +10 melee (2d6+3); sharp jaws spring shut around the creature’s ankle and halve the creature’s base speed (or hold the creature immobile if the trap is attached to a solid object); the creature can escape with a DC 20 Disable Device check, DC 22 Escape Artist check, or a DC 26 Strength check

Development: The goblin band will be intent on killing the PCs, and then the remainder of the town if not defeated. If Wolp dies, however, the remaining goblins will attempt to retrieve his body and run. If this is not possible, they will attempt to run back into the mountain forest, returning upon nightfall to enact vengeance on Wolp’s killer.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Asset: Citadel Character Sheet v1.1 PAGE ONE


The updated version of the Citadel Character sheet's first page, now available as a form-fillable PDF. This iteration of the sheet does not do any auto calculating and may be missing fields, feedback is more than welcome. Page two is on it's way!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Asset: Citadel Character Sheet v1 PAGE ONE PREVIEW

The character art for Renner Taldrost was provided by Sir-Toon, a close friend and partner who does similar work for commission. Inspiration for the sheet layout was found on Reddit made by user skiltao.